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At the end of the day it's not about what you have or even what you have accomplished ... It's about who you've lifted up, who you've made better.  It's about what you've given back.

Denzel Washington


allows people to help and support others whilst at the same time making their lives more meaningful


can mean raising money or donating to charity, but it can also mean volunteering your time to listen to someone, making sure you smile at people and remain positive, give of your best to everyone you meet.


is both an opportunity and a responsibility

In school giving is one our trafalgar values and we define it as: 

I look for opportunities every day to serve other people and to make the world just that little bit better, in whatever way I can.  By doing this, I improve my own sense of self-worth.  I understand the importance of civic responsibility, of being a positively contributing member of society.

we will provide the following opportunities to give more

through d of e from years 9 (bronze) and year 10 (silver)

setting up a food collection point in school

liaison with downton green group through the eco council

for year 11s: information & Encouragement to take part in the national citizen service

lead student projects: school council, mentoring & eco council

liaison with downton parish council through the school council

The Trafalgar School at Downton, Breamore Road, Downton, Wiltshire, SP5 3HN  01725 550300

© 2022  The Trafalgar School at Downton

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