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take notice

Being aware of your surroundings, your feelings and your wishes and feelings is an important way to appreciate the world and your place within it.  Some people call this mindfulness, but it is so much more than that.


Taking notice is an important self-help strategy, which allows you to find your place in the world and to lose yourself in the beauty of even the smallest detail.  








In school we try and notice all the amazing things which you do and the way you contribute to our school community.  Every student has individual talents and gifts which make us, as a community, so proud.  many of you do things quietly and without fuss - either in or out of school - your contribution to your school and local community is hugely appreciated.


Several of the ways we celebrate and take notice in school are:


  • House Points

  • Academic Standards, Praise Letters & Reports

  • Pastoral Stars of the Week

  • Celebration & Presentation Evening

  • Sports Awards

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