Stars of the week
Every week the tutors and Heads of House select one person across each House who has impressed them in some way. It could be due to their work, their effort and attitude or the way they have helped and supported others. There are no specific criteria for this except that this person will have stood out in an amazing way in that week for something they have done. They receive a Head of House 'Star of the Week' Award which is 10 House points and we celebrate their success on the school Facebook page.
In the pastoral team we want to celebrate everything we see and hear about you which makes us proud - you are an amazing group of people.
If you want to see change, be the change!
During your time with us we would like you to have as many opportunities as possible to show leadership and responsibility.
We have a big range of leadership positions for you to choose from. Play to your strengths or move out of your comfort zone!
All Years
School Council
(nominated through Tutor Groups)
Eco Council
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
(click here for an Application Form)
Wellbeing Ambassadors
(click here for an Application Form)
Peer Mentors
(click here for an Application Form)
Form Captains
(nominated through Tutor Groups)
Sports Captains
(nominated through Tutor Groups)
Key Stage 4 Only
Prefects Year 11
Sports Leaders Years 10 and 11